Why was a kernel-2.6.34 pushed to updates that had un-addressed bugs.

drago01 drago01 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 10:20:57 UTC 2010

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Rodd Clarkson <rodd at clarkson.id.au> wrote:
>> Anyhow, what a waste of time all around.  I spend a couple of painful
>> hours booting and rebooting my system to try and isolate this bug and the
>> developers couldn't take two minutes to mention that they needed to post the
>> kernel and that they would address my bug some time soon.
> Anyhow, enough bitching.  It's unlikely to change anything.

To be a bit more productive than bitching ... the most obvious change
in .34 is async suspend/resume does disabling it help your case?

echo 0 > /sys/power/pm_async (as root).

Should disable it.

If that makes your laptop suspend/resume again please add this
information to the bug. (And you can disable it on your system in lets
say rc.local rather than downgrading the kernel).

If it isn't that trying to find the offending driver if any using
pm_trace would be the next step.

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