setting up ssh

Michael Spahn anyone90 at
Fri Aug 26 18:54:43 UTC 2011


I learned that the firewall system-config tool doesn't work.

I actually don't know why but I always had to disable the whole firewall.



Am 26.08.2011 20:40, schrieb Peter G.:
> Michael Cronenworth wrote:
>> netstat lists network port information. It does not know about or list
>> firewall configuration information.
>> iptables is the command-line tool to view, add, delete, or change
>> firewall rules.
>> # iptables -L    # lists default table rules
>> # iptables -L | grep ssh
>> ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere            state NEW
>> tcp dpt:ssh
> See! Google is unreliable for giving the right answers.
> Thanks. I tried the command and it returned no output. That means the firewall 
> is not open on any port, I presume.
> Why would that be? I unchecked and rechecked ssh as a trusted serive and then 
> applied the changes numerous times already. And it the firewall setup program 
> doesn't work, how am I supposed to open the port?

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