[Fedora-trans-de] What Fedora makes sucking for me - or why I am NOT Fedora

Peter Boy pboy at barkhof.uni-bremen.de
Mi Dez 10 01:29:17 UTC 2008

Am Dienstag, den 09.12.2008, 01:25 +0100 schrieb Robert Scheck:
> I now know lots of German speaking people (in
> their mother tongue), which use Fedora only in English - including myself -
> to avoid the must of reading that horrible German. 

I'm using Fedora in German. The situation is not as bad as your mail
suggests. F10 seems to be a little worse as F7. I find more mixed
language menues, e.g. in the desktop context menue "Search for files",
some ugly elements in xmms, and so on. But the very most parts of the
distribution are very well translated (at last for desktop usage). 

I suppose you are committed to a very hight level of aspiration. But in
everyday life the well known 80:20 rule turns up (the last 20% to
achieve a zero error product require 80% of the overall resources). So a
more pragmatic decision making may be a reasonable choice.

> My points above are what Fedora makes sucking for me - or why I am NOT
> Fedora! At least I'm thinking that. 

I suppose, all your points  are valid. And from a Fedora point of view
they are important. But if you compare Fedora with other distributions
(of even OSs), you (or we) are "complaining on a high level". I can
taken for granted that most of broken things get fixed in one  of the
next updates. New elements as NetworkManager need a longer period of

I must admit that I'm reading this list for a long time, but never found
a way to contribute e.g. to the translation. It is too complicated to
fulfill all the requirements, find a "sponsor" and so on. Maybe we
should add some kind of "middleware" to make it easier to contribute so
we can squeeze out the last 20% of failures.
