[Fedora-trans-de] Fwd: L10N/I18N Test Week

Roman Spirgi rspirgi at gmail.com
Do Aug 25 20:41:24 UTC 2011

Info aus der trans mailing list.
Gruss, Roman
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
Von: "Igor Pires Soares" <igorsoares at gmail.com>
Datum: 25.08.2011 03:05
Betreff: L10N/I18N Test Week
An: <trans at lists.fedoraproject.org>

Hello all!

This is a reminder that next week will be localization and
internationalization test week. Please, take a time to test translations
and i18n support in your language.

We have set specific test day pages but you are free to test and report
the results during the whole week:

Igor Pires Soares
Fedora I18N/L10N QA
Fedora Ambassador (Brazil) - Member of FAmSCo

trans mailing list
trans at lists.fedoraproject.org
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