[Fedora-trans-de] Fwd: Re: Fedora 21 final release: Main websites translations!

Roman Spirgi bigant at fedoraproject.org
Di Nov 18 20:18:12 UTC 2014

Endspurt :)
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
Von: "Robert Mayr" <robyduck at fedoraproject.org>
Datum: 18.11.2014 12:04
Betreff: Re: Fedora 21 final release: Main websites translations!
An: "Fedora Translation Project List" <trans at lists.fedoraproject.org>

Dear translators,
the new getfedora.org source is now open for translations on TX, I've
pushed the first strings there right now and will update the POT constantly
till F21 Release Date. As already pointed out by Paul, the strings we will
have on getfedora.org will be significantly less than fedoraproject.org,
therefor I think 3 weeks are a reasonable time to get all the work done.
Actually we don't have a staging instance and are still working on the
layout, but within this week I hope we could have the website running to
give you the possibility to proofread the strings and to understand where
they are and in which context.

Pay attention on some strings which contain line-breaks, the <br /> tag.
Design/Marketing used it to give the slogans a better rythm and to make it
stronger, in the same way it should work for every team's language. Don't
cancel the tags, but place them in the right position for your language and
all will be fine. As said before, once we have the site running you will be
able to review the exact place where it is and could eventually modify it
to make it sound good.

Finally I want to inform you that we are also modifying the content of
spins.fedoraproject.org, so please check also this source from time to time
and update the strings if needed.
In a few days I will also close the fedoraproject.org source, this website
won't have any changes and we want to avoid people working on it any more.
Instead all L10n teams should concentrate their workforce on getfedora.org
and spins.fpo for the next weeks.

Thank you all for your important work and please report if something on the
new getfedora.org source is not working as expected.
Happy translating!

Robert Mayr

trans mailing list
trans at lists.fedoraproject.org
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