[Fedora-trans-de] Fwd: [Websites Translations] New websites for Fedora 22 GA

Roman Spirgi bigant at fedoraproject.org
Sa Mai 2 13:22:36 UTC 2015

Noch 24 Tage bis F22, siehe nachfolgend
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
Von: "Robert Mayr" <robyduck at fedoraproject.org>
Datum: 01.05.2015 23:03
Betreff: [Websites Translations] New websites for Fedora 22 GA
An: "trans" <trans at lists.fedoraproject.org>

Dear translators,
after getfedora.org and start.fpo we made the next step and worked on a new
spins.fedoraproject.org website. As there are several spins, ARM and other
stuff inside actually, we decided to split it and to create 3 new websites!
All websites are built in staging and you can look at them to see the
context of the strings.

1) https://spins.stg.fedoraproject.org
This is the old domain, but the website is completely new, and only Desktop
Spins will be on that website. It's also the website where we worked more,
so except for LXDE and SoaS the pages are nearly set. You should start with
this website.

2) https://labs.stg.fedoraproject.org
Spins are often functional spins, and with a specific usecase, so we
created a new website for them and called them labs. The website is done
for about 70%. Design and Scientific are pretty complete, the others need
features. Probably we will change some images, but it's not relevant for
translations I think.

3) http://arm.stg.fedoraproject.org
ARM needed a new home, and we thought about a separate website, in this
specific case it will be a one-pager, there will be not much text on it and
it's actually the website we only have set up quickly. In the next days
I'll try to get in more text, but the whole site can be done in a really
short time.
This will be the website we will complete at the end, as we are still
figuring out how to use the ARM text, which is registered (legal).

Please check back regularly because the content will change for the next 2
weeks. You could be at 100% today and at 60% next week, because many
strings have to be done and we are working daily on these websites (also
If you have doubts, questions or anything else, don't hesitate to contact
us. I also hope 25 days are enough for you to get the work done without any
need to hurry up in the last days.

Thank you all for the nice work and happy translating.

Robert Mayr

trans mailing list
trans at lists.fedoraproject.org
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