Strange statistics for the release notes

Piotr Drąg piotrdrag at
Wed Oct 20 08:47:58 UTC 2010

2010/10/19 Göran Uddeborg <goeran at>:
> When looking at the page for the Fedora 14 release notes, there are
> seven languages noted as 100% translated.  But the total number of
> messages differs between them.  Most have 953, but Polish 717 and
> Spanish 856.  Italian, which is on 98%, also has a total of 717
> messages.
> I don't know what the reason could be, but I thought I'd mention it in
> case someone knows what to do.

The number of messages is different in various languages, because
files from F13 branch was not cleaned up.

John, I can fix it by single command I've applied already on Polish
(with pl-PL replaced with *). Can I delete old files from every

Piotr Drąg

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