Seems someone update the translation without join the team on transifex

Piotr Drąg piotrdrag at
Fri May 30 17:10:40 UTC 2014

2014-05-30 18:47 GMT+02:00 Dimitris Glezos <glezos at>:
> Good observation Tiansworld. This is because the Fedora project has chosen
> to Automatically accept new member requests in its team.
> This is an option which affects the whole project, not each language
> individually. Thus, I'd ask the whole project (and any team leader reading
> this) to let me know whether we need to keep it this way or we should
> manually approve every new translator.

This is absolutely unacceptable, and I have switched it to manual
approving. Language coordinators, please review your teams and act
according to your judgment.

I also moved three projects from random teams to the Fedora team.
Coordinators should have correct privileges to these projects now.

Best regards,

Piotr Drąg

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