"Third party"/"closed source" drivers/players/libs

Doncho N. Gunchev mr700 at globalnet.bg
Thu Dec 11 18:54:16 UTC 2003

  First of all - sorry for my "English" :) and let me ask some stupid (hope
not) questions...

  AFIK fedora aims to be good distribution even for the desktop user. As I see
the situation a desktop user usualy needs things like flash player, nVidia 
video driver, mp3 support and so on and so on /huh :(/... All these can not be
included in fedora distro because they are not open source/pathent free/smth
else, but binary rpms are available to download and install (and they work
fine in most of the cases)...

  The question is how can fedora be changed to make the ordinary desktop user's
life a little bit easier? Here in this list one can find solutions for most if
not all these problems, but an ordinary user can not do this - he will give up
or end with a messy system. I had some ideas in my head and would like to hear
someone else's opinion... so here they are:

  Can fedora...

  - include a ThirdPartyReadme or something that can guide the user in the
right(tm) direction to solve these problems (in some countries there
is no license problem with some products/libs or I'm wrong)?

  - include yum repostries set up to let the user for example
"yum install flash-plugin" and so on?

  - have 'fake' libraries for example for mp3 that do not do anything with
the real mp3 but play some .ogg which explains why the user does not hear
his file and probably what to to in order to replace these with real ones
that can play it?

  - have some "nonus" disk/repostry like debian does?

  - publish some sort of guide/document for hardware/software manufactorers
so they do make their drivers/programs compatible with fedora? ex: nVidia
drivers are non PIC /as prelinker says/ and this makes all applications
that make any use of it non prelinkable and therefore slower. As a workaround
I don't use them 'cause I don't play games and don't need so fast graphics
at least for now.

  Are there any other solutions? I know that writing a GPL drivers/libs can
solve some of these problems, but in some cases not...

ps: I know any of these would require additional resources to accomplish and
would love to help if I can...

  Doncho N. Gunchev

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