what cd download ? Jargon busting.

Edward Croft ecroft at openratings.com
Thu Nov 6 15:47:19 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 09:29, David.Pawson at rnib.org.uk wrote:

> Is there a Redhat / Fedora /Linux jargon busting page please?
> The tla's that are flowing on this list I guess warrant one.
> It might help make a tiny step towards putting Linux closer
> to Windoze for the man on the Clapham omnibus.
>  I just get the feeling that the Linux community take a great
> delight in picking abtruse names for things. Great for the in-crowd,
> but far less so for anyone approaching Linux, and may just be enough
> to put them off for years.
> If needed I'll collate and mark up... if you'll help me translate :-)
> ?? docbook is fashionable isn't it??
> regards DaveP
Dave, the names usually refer to the project. Windows does the same
thing, except you don't hear it as much because Windows is closed. I
believe the project name for the next version of Windows is Longhorn.
Personally, I liked Guinness for the name. Don't know what a Severn is.
Maybe instead of Yarrow, it could have been called Pilsner Urquel? Who
knows who comes up with these names. When I first started here,
everything was named after Greek/Roman Gods. At least now we are getting
to more descriptive names as we roll out new systems. 

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