Yum "ImportError" in FC2

CB fedoralist at crispin.cb-ss.net
Mon Aug 30 22:35:31 UTC 2004

Listman wrote:

>>To anyone else who may have this problem, I managed to solve it by 
>>searching for all instances of  libxml2.so throughout my file system. I 
>>discovered several in usr/local/lib as well as usr/lib, and moved the 
>>/usr/local/lib ones out of the way (assuming that the /usr/local/lib 
>>ones were added by non-rpm means). That fixed yum (though it may break 
>>something else).
>>Probably all obvious to most readers of this list.
> This is just one reason it is not a good idea to mix source and rpms. 
> Ted

True. Especially when it's 3am and you (me) only the faintest idea how 
to drive  Linux and have been installing everything that takes your 
fancy without taking notes for the last few hours.

Unfortunately rpms aren't available for everything (syncato in this 

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