Logical Volume Pernissions (PLEASE HELP)

Michael J. Pawlowsky mikep at mi-consultants.com
Tue Dec 28 11:48:47 UTC 2004

Ok.... This one is REALLY starting to peeve me and I need a work around,

I have a logical volume. Everytime I boot up the server the device gets 
created with the permissions 600 owner root.root.
(brw------- 1 root root 253, 0 Dec 27 10:13 vg00-lvroot)

So my backups are unable to access it because it runs as user amanda 
which is part of the disk group.

The way I see it, and I put a bugzilla entry for this, the device needs 
to be 660 owner root.disk.
(brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 0 Dec 27 10:13 vg00-lvroot)
Just like every other disk is.

So I could create a script I guess to change the permissions and call it 
from rc.local.
But I'm thinking there is probably a "right" way to do this.

Does anyone know where the script that creates the logical volumes is 
and if I can modify that to give the lv the proper permissions?



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