Recommedations... more some thoughts about Linux in the real world

Dirk Wendland dirk.wendland at
Wed Feb 18 18:38:30 UTC 2004

Am Mi, den 18.02.2004 schrieb Alexander H.M. Ruoff um 19:08:
> Well, each of us got his own reasons, I just wanted a stable system and
> I found it. But Linux is still an OS related to IT people and students.
> It's interesting how clients, colleagues and friends react when they
> hear that I use Linux. 
> You don't find many users in other industry sectors and most people I
> know can't tell the difference between Linux and Windows until they ask
> "hey, your desktop is nice, how do you do it?". But most people regard
> Linux not as an alternative but as rocket science and that has to be
> changed in my opinion (it is slowly). 
> However, talking to a couple of business owners, I found out that 
> especially small and medium sized companies starting to consider Linux
> as an alternative to Windows. Mostly they need someone anyway to install
> the System so the only way to cut costs is an alternative to the
> Licenses of Windows, MS Office and other applications. 
> Well, guess this is a but off topic and most of you know this already
> but sometimes I feel a bit lost with those technical conversations since
> I'm happy to know how to switch on a PC, read my emails, use a text
> editor and surf the Internet. Ok... I also know how to install Linux ;)
> Ok... the point is that Linux is considered something like an OS for
> individualists and Linux users like an elite and rebels in the
> worldwideweb. People seem to be interested in an alternative to
> Microsoft but they are somewhat scared of Linux, like they feel inferior
> to use it... don't know if some of you had similar experiences.
> Alex
> PS: Funny thing though, I convinced my mum (59) to use Linux and she
> happily agreed since for her it's no difference to learn to use Linux or
> Windows. Since the old Amiga OS and later Win 3.11 she didn't use a PC
> at all ;)
Hello Alex

My experience iss that many users just want to play with there computers
and this works better with MS. I had installed a view Systems for
Computer Newbies and Beginners and they learned very fast to work and
handle Linux. But the second question was "and games ....."

A fiew firms thinking of change from Microsoft to Linux but this is a
hard way for the companies when they had specific Software for Microsoft
and paid for this much money.

But for example last year I worked for the Fraunhofer Institut they are
looking for answers on linux based System ,,,, and it works very well

So I hope the games will also change to Linux for a better Life ;)

Dirk Wendland
mail:dirk.wendland at
working on:Develop a development tool for html|php|c++|java|OpenGL

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