
Alexandre Strube surak at
Thu Feb 19 01:48:14 UTC 2004

Em Qua, 2004-02-18 às 18:24, Rodolfo J. Paiz escreveu:

> I *like* StarOffice. And for the record, Sun forked the SO code they bought 
> to give birth to OO. So regardless of which one you prefer, it is simply 
> not true that SO is "OO with a few bells on". In fact I would more likely 
> believe the reverse: OO is the community's progress in improving and 
> growing the codebase Sun handed them.

Its easier to understand when you compare OOo and So with Fedora and
RHEL, just a little time advanced on becoming more community-stuff.

OOo is STILL developed in part by Sun staff, but in much more
collaborative way with the open community, and they put some of those
thing back in StarOffice. That doesn't mean the process is already
perfect - there's having some trouble between open community and sun
with the brazilian portuguese translation - sun did it without warning
anyone, and at the same time there was a very active open community
project... Just when both translations were practically done, sun's one
was published...

Their path can be a good thing to look at in the process of opening
fedora to the community. Specially trying not to repeat their errors :-)


Alexandre Ganso 
500 FOUR vermelha - Diretor Steel Goose Moto Group

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