Convert CDIR notation to IP range

jdow jdow at
Thu Jul 29 05:56:39 UTC 2004

From: "Lew Bloch" <conrad at>
> > or if this proves too tough...
> > Craig
> I followed that link and it in turn led right to some IP calculators that
> seemed exactly to fit the bill for the request:
> > My binary skills are lacking, so does anyone know of a tool (online
> > or otherwise) to convert CDIR notation into the physical IP range?
> The first three links were to online calculators that did the exact
> conversion requested:

Another generally very useful web based calculator set can be found at The CIDR/Netmask calculator is one up from
the bottom middle. The other gadgets on the site are also quite useful.

{^_^}   Mea Culpa for not remembering this sooner.

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