Firewall & Routing - help! (PROBLEM SOLVED!)

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Sun Jun 13 01:22:27 UTC 2004

At 14:29 6/12/2004, Jack Bowling wrote:
>Never used Shorewall and I'm sure your testament is not misplaced, Rodolfo.
>But treating a firewall as a black box without understanding at least the
>basic principles of the netfilter/iptables framework/syntax is not my cup
>of tea. Using Shorewall and then studying its scripts would be a good thing,
>though. I'm with Kevin who is taking a more studious approach.

Many many people are not willing to put in the time to learn that. However, 
I'm glad that Kevin is... that's why I was one of the people who went 
through the whole exercise with him, piece by piece and detail by detail. 
Now that he is done, the thing works, and he understands what he is doing 
better than before... *now* I comment to him that I feel changing the tool 
used would benefit him in the future. Reasonable process, methinks.


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at

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