antonio montagnani anto.montagnani at virgilio.it
Thu Mar 25 15:24:37 UTC 2004

Adam Voigt wrote/ha scritto, On/il 25/03/2004 16:14:

>You don't need the domain name line if you don't have a domain hosted on
>your network. As for the IP of the DNS server, well, if you have an
>internal DNS server, it should be the IP of your internal DNS server, if
>you don't, then it should be the IP of your ISP's DNS server.
>On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 10:12, antonio montagnani wrote:
>>Tnx Adam...
>>Where do I find the "domain name"??
>>And in the next line, shall I write the TCP/IP of the PC connected to 
>>the Net???

I have no domain name, and myproblem is that I get DNS from my ISP, 
(different any time??): I could write some DNS's from my ISP.
But I installed BIND (no modification on dhcpd.conf file)  and magically 
everything worked.
Any comment??

Tnx a lot

 Antonio Montagnani
 Working with Mozilla 1.6 on Linux Fedora Core 1
   Utilizzo Mozilla 1.6 su Linux Fedora Core 1

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