Kickstart Fedora Core 2 via NFS???

David Jansen jansen at
Wed Nov 3 11:45:11 UTC 2004

On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 04:32:25PM +1100, Ron Cresswell wrote:
> It's not a big cluster, but with one set of CD's it will take me about
> 32hrs straight to do the install one machine at a time. I previously
> installed RH9 using kickstart via NFS and want to upgrade to FC2 the
> same way.
Since you already have a running OS on the machines, and probably remote
access to them, you can so something smarter:
- copy tyhe contents of the isolinux directory of cd 1 to a local location
  on each machine (this is less than 4 MB), in this example I use /boot/fc2.
  actually, you only need vmlinuz and initrd.img from that directory,
  everything else is related to the cd boot prompt which you don't need here.
- copy the kickstart file to that same location
- add an entry to /boot/grub/grub.conf (well, if you use lilo it can
  also be done, in that case, check the lilo docs). This can be done
  using the grubby utility as well (easier in case you want to script
  all of this):
  grubby --add-kernel=/boot/fc2/vmlinuz --copy-default
    --initrd=/boot/fc2/initrd.img --title="install FC2"
  (all in one line of course)
Make sure all paths are right, and also use the right device identifier in
the location of the  ks.cfg (here hda1)
You can add "--default-kernel" to make it the default, and reboot
immediately to make it even easier, once you are sure you have
everything right..

One note: grub uses path relative to the /boot location, so if /boot is
a separate partition some changes may be necessary

> The kickstart info
> (/usr/share/doc/system-config-kickstart-2.5.11/index.html) implies that
> I make a network boot floppy onto which I put the ks.cfg file once
> created. Problem is, there is no bootnet.img included in the
> distribution, and I can't see how to go about getting it to work without
> one.
I guess someone should update the documentation then! boot images are no
longer there since the kernel is to big to fit on a floppy disk.
(I checked the docs on a FC3Test3 machine with system-config-kickstart-2.5.15
and the reference to bootnet.img is still there).

David Jansen

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