Updating From FC1 to FC2 (or 3)

Jon Savage jonathansavage at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 15:27:12 UTC 2004

On Sat, 09 Oct 2004 09:35:15 -0400, Wayne Spivak <wspivak at sbanetweb.com> wrote:
> Thank you.
> Here's the real question -- is it absolutely necessary (system works like a
> charm)?
> Went for years w/o upgrading FREEBSD until it was time for a new system
> (hardware), then bit the bullet..
If all you want is security updates then you may want to check out:
http://fedoralegacy.org/ which does provide some support for EOL'd RH
& Fedora stuff.
The only compelling reason to upgrade IMHO would be if there's a
feature/killer app/whatever in the newer release that you feel you
can't live without.

Personally, I feel that core 3 is shaping up nicely if my experience
with test 2 is any indication.

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