Updating From FC1 to FC2 (or 3)

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Sat Oct 9 20:09:18 UTC 2004


On Oct 9, 2004 at 09:35, Wayne Spivak in a soothing rage wrote:
then I wrote...
>On Oct 9, 2004 at 08:55, Wayne Spivak in a soothing rage wrote:
>>I'm sure this question has been answered, by I haven't found it in the 
>>archives (yes I looked).
>http://marc.theaimsgroup.com and http://news.gmane.org are great 
>places to start searching from. Not sure what you used.
>>I've been out of the loop, and found that Core 1 is now Core 3.
>No FC1 is still FC1 and GC3 is still a short while away.
>>How do I (or what is the best way) to update Core 1 to at least Core 2. 
>>I've done nothing special to this box, with the exception of adding 
>Backup. Backup. Backup. All the stuff you think you need and do not 
>need backup. Then do an install leaving your /home partition alone. Restore
>the stuff you need Adjust your conf. files as necessary. This 
>is what I use and it works for me. YMMV
>Thank you.
>Here's the real question -- is it absolutely necessary (system works like a
>Went for years w/o upgrading FREEBSD until it was time for a new system
>(hardware), then bit the bullet..
It is kinda like the move from FBSD4.x to FBSD5. There are major 
changes between FC1 & FC2. With an upgrade you _may_ have problems 
that depending on your Linux expertise, you can recover from. For
me I always have 2 installs on one machine that I can switch between.

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