/boot as an ext3 partition?

dballester at kernpharma.com dballester at kernpharma.com
Tue Sep 21 15:58:52 UTC 2004

/boot doesn't grow a lot.

I always recomend /boot in separate ext3 partition. The other filesystems
can be under one or more LVM ( check EMVS @ http://evms.sourceforge.net/for
gui maintenance if you like ), or under other 'traditional' filsystem type.

David Ballester Montolio
Responsable de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
Kern Pharma, S.L.

Personalmente, mis problemas de suministro de software legal se limitan a
averiguar qué debo poner detrás de "apt-get install ..." omni en barrapunto

Que parte de /sbin/ifconfig eth0|grep 'inet'|awk -F' ' '{print $2}'|sed -e
s/addr:// no entiendes?

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|         |           21/09/2004 17:46   |
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  |     Asunto:   /boot as an ext3 partition?                                                                                   |

   historically, i've always created a separate /boot partition as a
primary partition, even when i've formatted the rest of my hda drive
as an extended partition.

   given that i want to use LVM on this next install (FC3t2, actually,
although this is clearly not a test-related question), is this still
the standard approach?  what are the options for the /boot partition
that GRUB will understand?  logical partition?  logical volume within


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