FC3 sucks. It takes up too much memory!

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Thu Jan 27 07:05:55 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-27 at 13:56 +0800, Edward Yang wrote:

> >   
> I am relatively new to Linux culture. One thing I know is that I have
> *never* seen any post in Windows progarmming forums/mailing
> lists/newsgroups that someone calls someone else a *troll* or
> something.
> Does Linux culture encourage name calling? I say so because I can
> always find such words as *troll* *moron* everywhere on *Linux*
> forums/mailing list/newsgroups.
get a life

I actually took time to answer your questions as best as I could and you
want to go on ad infinitum about being called a troll. I did it gently
and with patience.

If you really care about the open source mentality, familiarize yourself
with this document...


I have seen people insulted on bulletin boards since the very early 80's
- get over yourself Neo


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