folder lost+found missing?

Hongwei Li hongwei at
Fri Mar 4 19:41:47 UTC 2005

> fre 2005-03-04 klockan 12:57 -0600 skrev Hongwei Li:
>> Hi,
>> The folder lost+found in the partition /tmp of my fc3 system is missing.
>> All other partitions have it.  What is the usage of lost+found folder?
>> Do
>> I need to create it for /tmp?  If yes, just run mkdir ...?  Do I need to
>> do anything special for it?
> Hmm... According to it is not the
> case that tmpwatch (the program that regularly cleans /tmp) may
> accidentally remove /tmp/lost+found. So I can't explain that.
> /abo

But my question is: do I need to create it and do something special?  It
was there when I first setup this fc3 system.  Also, why does the system
need it?

Thanks a lot!


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