FC4 yum: no mirrors with "failovermethod=priority"

Christoph Wickert christoph.wickert at gmx.de
Sat Nov 12 18:20:31 UTC 2005

Am Samstag, den 12.11.2005, 14:08 +0000 schrieb Jonathan Rawle:
> I've disabled the mirrorlist= lines in my yum.repos.d because it was using
> mirrors as far away as Japan and so was taking a long time to update.

You can append ".us.east" or "us.west" to the mirrorlist statement. For
a complete list of mirrorlists go to

> Instead, I have picked a selection of local mirrors and listed those under
> baseurl=, with the main Fedora server as a last resort.
> To ensure it uses the fastest mirror first, and that it doesn't use the US
> server, I've added:
> failovermethod=priority
> This behaves correctly in that it uses the first mirror on the list.
> However, if there is an error on the first mirror, it doesn't attempt to
> contact subsequent mirrors, and just exits with an error. Has anyone else
> found this?

> Jonathan

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