Imap: no login... ps aux - -nodnslookup -noidentlookup

Jared Hall jrhall at
Sun Sep 25 01:06:37 UTC 2005

fedora users

I'm a having trouble getting imap to authenticate users and/or
passwords on my Debian system.  I know you all are die hard for
fedora, but since this is not operating system specific and I'm going
nuts, I'm posting this message everywhere.

When I telnet into 143:
# telnet localhost 143
a01 login user at my_password
a01 NO Login failed.
a02 login user2 at my_virtual_password
a02 NO Login failed.
Connection closed by foreign host.

I've set up these users and their passwords using VqAdmin.
When I "ps aux | grep imap" I get:

# ps aux |grep imap
root     21439  0.0  0.1  1764  548 ?        S    02:58   0:00
/usr/sbin/couriertcpd -address=0 -stderrlogger=/usr/sbin/courierlogger
-maxprocs=40 -maxperip=20 -pid=/var/run/courier/ -nodnslookup
-noidentlookup 143 /usr/lib/courier/courier/imaplogin /usr/bin/imapd
root     21444  0.0  0.0  1664  456 ?        S    02:58   0:00
/usr/sbin/courierlogger imaplogin
root     21464  0.0  0.1  1764  548 ?        S    02:58   0:00
/usr/sbin/couriertcpd -address=0 -stderrlogger=/usr/sbin/courierlogger
-stderrloggername=imapd-ssl -maxprocs=40 -maxperip=20
-pid=/var/run/courier/ -nodnslookup -noidentlookup 993
/usr/bin/couriertls -server -tcpd /usr/lib/courier/courier/imaplogin
/usr/bin/imapd Maildir
root     21467  0.0  0.0  1664  456 ?        S    02:58   0:00
/usr/sbin/courierlogger imapd-ssl
root     22241  0.0  0.1  1820  572 pts/1    R+   17:51   0:00 grep imap

what I thought was interesting is pid 21439 where says : -nodnslookup -noidentlookup 143
This seems bad.  please help  I've been smashing my head against
courier imap for almost 2 long days now. I'm on my third complete
reinstall (after using some questionable methods to force things to

Anything you have to say would be helpful.


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