From release notes for FC5T3 (web)

David Boles dgboles at
Sun Mar 12 01:52:49 UTC 2006

Craig White wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 09:26 -0800, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
>> Craig White wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 10:12 -0600, akonstam at wrote:
>>>>> At least the feature is realized now or ready for FC5. I 
>>> use the right 
>>>>> click a lot to find features hidden on other operating 
>>> systems. I guess 
>>>>> right clicking for Linux is becoming similar to find 
>>> useful options.
>>>>> Yes, contacting the developer through bugzilla is more 
>>> productive than 
>>>>> overpopulating the list with point-counterpoint battles.
>>>>> I used battle on public lists over MS vs. Linux and 
>>> battles were similar 
>>>>> on outcome. I probably converted 2 over to my view while 
>>> having another 
>>>>> thousand holding onto what they were accustomed to.
>>>>> Unless we were to redesign the installer ourselves, 
>>> battling on the list 
>>>>>  would only add more clicks to the reading of other Fedora 
>>> issues on 
>>>>> the list. The installer would still not handle easier 
>>> installation or a 
>>>>> more complete installation of what is available from the 
>>> install media.
>>>>> This feature should positively stand out in the "highly 
>>> read" release 
>>>>> notes. would flashing text be too much?
>>>>> Jim
>>>> I don't what you definition of productive is but this bugzilla was
>>>> not very productive in my view. Just to say that is the way it is
>>>> and install everything will never come back is not very responsive.
>>> ---
>>> the response also pointed out that you could right click on the group
>>> and 'select all' or 'select none' for the group. All right, so it takes
>>> 8 clicks instead of 1 click to 'install everything' now...not a big
>>> deal.
>>> What you don't get from the bugzilla entry but can get from parsing the
>>> developers list is that they are trying to shed packages from Fedora
>>> Core and push them out to 'Extras' and make 'core' truly just the core
>>> and 'install everything' is less valuable as they succeed in 
>>> doing that.
>>> What you don't get if you don't read the developers list is 
>>> what is that
>>> they don't even agree on what is meant by 'install everything' - where
>>> some might interpret it to mean every package, others thought it
>>> shouldn't include every language pack under the sun for every package
>>> and as you consider the impact of this, you begin to get the
>>> point...'install everything' was never really clear about it's purpose
>>> at the outset.
>>> Craig
>> Clearly it IS a big deal.  8 clicks is 8 clicks and not 1 click!  You're
>> right - I am too darn lazy but 8 clicks adds to my already agravating
>> carpal tunnel wrist. But seriously, anything to make it easier for the
>> installer is what I am advocating.  Anything less than that is a very
>> unprofessional descision and it just makes for an unsavory installation
>> experience.
>> I added my comments to the BUGZILLA for suggestions that should be
>> reviewed.  I don't like buzilla but I am willing to get these installer
>> issues resolved for the benefit of fedora's community.
> ----
> I hope that you recognize that:
> - you added your comments to the bugzilla entry that was already closed,
> notabug. So while yours and Claudes' entries are attached to the
> bugzilla, you have made them on a bugzilla entry whose disposition has
> already been determined. 
> - that post install allows you to install other packages and isn't
> really part of the pre-install selection at all which purposely is only
> concerned with installing the core packages.
> My impression is that this is all much ado about nothing as I am
> gathering that the last two commentators haven't seen the FC-5 installer
> (at least Jim used it). At this point, they aren't going to change it
> prior to release of FC-5 which is imminent so why don't you wait until
> you get it, use it and then if necessary, critique it via bugzilla.

For some on this list who do not understand why and no.

For what purpose, reason, or cause; with what intention, justification, or motive.

1. Used to express refusal, denial, disbelief, emphasis, or disagreement: No,
I'm not going. No, you're wrong.
2. Not at all; not by any degree. Often used with the comparative.

They told you why they removed the 'install everything' button from the
installer. And they told you that they are not going to put the 'install
everything' button back into the installer. I think that there are two or
three of you with this problem? And all of the bitching and all of the whining
is not going to solve your problem. That is, unless you live to bitch and whine.



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