Anyone using AjaxTerm under Fedora?

Vivek J. Patankar list307 at
Fri Aug 10 23:39:03 UTC 2007

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Vivek J. Patankar wrote:
>>> The symptom is that the page is not found.
>> That looks like a problem with the browser not being able to resolve
>> Thy using the IP Address of the server in the URL,
>> http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:8022
> Same result.

I've been trying got get it to work for the past hour or so.
Yes. I got that too. The ajaxterm wiki page says that by default it 
accepts connections only from localhost.

>> I've never tried ajaxterm before. I tried mindterm before but it didn't
>> quite work out for me. Now that I know from you that something like
>> ajaxterm exists, I'll be trying it tonight. :-)
> Let me know if you have any luck.
> I've tried mindterm and ajaxterm, and had no success with either.
> I'm beginning to wonder if the reason neither is in Fedora
> is because nobody could get them to work under Fedora ...

This is what I have done so far after read a couple of Debian based 
howtos. Quick and dirty :-)

1. Install ajaxterm from the tar.gz; ie. ./configure && make && make 
install. I think `make` was not necessary, just `make install` would 
have done.
2. Started ajaxterm in daemon mode using "ajaxterm -d"
3. Edited /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf and added the below lines just 
before "</VirtualHost>" at the end of the file.

        ProxyRequests On
        <Proxy *>
                Order deny,allow
                Allow from all
        ProxyPass /ajaxterm http://localhost:8022/

4. Accessed https://localhost/ajaxterm . Got errors. Checked 
/var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log. Several 404s.
5. ajaxterm.css, ajaxterm.js, sarissa.js & sarissa_dhtml.js needs to be 
present in the document root. Done. Tried again and failed. Checked log 
and got another 404.
6. There should be a file "u" in the document root, I haven't the 
slightest idea why. Did `touch /var/www/html/u`.
7. Tried again and the page loaded just like it did with 
http://localhost:8022, minus the black terminal window. Damn.
8. I leave the fight for another day.

I need more brains.

विवेक ज. पाटणकर (Vivek J. Patankar)

Registered Linux User #374218
Fedora release 7 (Moonshine)
Linux x86_64

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