Fedora software to process "egg" photographs?

Chris Mohler cr33dog at gmail.com
Sat Dec 1 17:51:29 UTC 2007

On Dec 1, 2007 10:13 AM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:
> No, the picture is processed on a Windows computer with software
> provided by the lens manufacturer. I need similar software for Fedora.
> This is an example of a photo that comes out of the egg lens:
> http://dotancohen.com/images/examples/eggexample.jpg
> Here is an example of a processed image that I found on the
> manufacturer's website:
> http://www.eggsolution.com/common_docs/galleries/photo/realestate/albumhouseca.htm
How about something from here:



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