Default repo config

George Arseneault george_arseneault2001 at
Wed Mar 28 17:50:05 UTC 2007

Welcome to the community

Are you the person who asked about add/remove software
last week?

I was going to look up the info and keep it handy, but
didn't (how does that saying go about a road paved
with good intentions.)  Unfortunately, I don't have
Internet access on my home system either, so I don't
have it front of me.

What you need to do is find the .conf files that yum
uses. (man yum or use find to search for .conf files,
I can't remember the exact path but it will include
yum in it.)  These files can be edited with any text
editor like kwrite, etc.  man yum will tell you what
to look for.  Personally, I use an app called KYUM
which allows me to edit the conf for all the repos in
the interface itself. right-click on the repo and
select edit.  If the repo already points to an
Internet address, all you have to do is enable it. If
it points to a disk (I'm assuming someone changed it
to this, like I had to.) You will need to change it

When I get home, I'll look this all up and make a
print out.  Tomorrow, when I check this list, if I see
a reply from you, I'll send it in a reply.

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