Intel Pro Wireless 3945

sport light sport-light at
Sat May 12 19:02:31 UTC 2007

This is how I have been making it work.  Remember that the repository
that has ip3945 in it doesn't work fully with yum, so you have to
disable it when you are running updates.

My process is to run yum update, then enable atrmps repo just for
removal and install of 3945 and related stuff, then disable it again.

Once you have done this reboot, and you will have the latest kernel w/
the latest wireless driver.

Here is stuff you will need to set up first, also remember that the
release numbers appended to the end of the drivers will need to be
changed for the latest version:

Enable Livna and AT-RPMs repositories to yum:

run #su -c ‘rpm -ivh’

As root, use your favorite editor to create /etc/yum.repos.d/atrpms.repo
and type in:

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - ATrpms

Important: Disabling the AT-RPMs repository by default (using enabled=0) in the above configuration is important. Some repositories have been known not to play well together.
run #rpm --import to install key.

Add ATI video driver w/ yum:

     1. check xorg.conf for driver “vesa” - indicates ATI, not Intel
     2. run $su -c ‘yum install kmod-fglrx.i686 xorg-x11-drv-fglrx’
     3. While the driver installs, X fails to use direct Open GL
        rendering. There are two things that need to be done to get the
        driver working. First, we must disable effects by adding these
        lines to the bottom of /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
        Section "ServerFlags"
        Option  "AIGLX" "off"

	Section "Extensions"
        Option "Composite" "Disable"
     1. Change the driver in xorg.conf from “vesa” to “fglrx”.
     2. run #echo "/usr/lib/ati-fglrx/"
        > /etc/
     3. then run #ldconfig to link the libraries.
     4. Restart X
     5. run $fglrxinfo and the output should look something like: 
	display: :0.0  screen: 0
	OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
	OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 Generic
	OpenGL version string: 2.0.6174 (8.31.5)

Wireless network adapter:

Install from ipw3945 packages from atrpms with # yum --enablerepo=atrpms
install ipw3945

Create init script in /etc/init.d/ called ipw3945d, make it executable,
and add it to the startup:

Create /etc/init.d/ipw3945d containing:

#! /bin/bash
# ipw3490d      Load / unload Intel ipw3490 daemon
# chkconfig: 2345 09 90
# description:  Load / unload Intel ipw3490 daemon
# Provides: ipw3490d

# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions

if [ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/network ]; then
    exit 0

case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting ipw3945d: "
        /sbin/ipw3945d > /dev/null 2>&1
        echo -n "Stopping ipw3945d: "
        killproc ipw3945d
        status ipw3945d
        cd "$CWD"
        $0 stop
        $0 start
        echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status}"
        exit 1

exit 0

Make it executable and add it to the startup scripts with: 

# chmod 750 /etc/init.d/ipw3945d
# chkconfig --add ipw3945d
Check to make sure it was added correctly with:
# chkconfig --list ipw3945d
ipw3945d        0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
Configure the wireless device with Administration/network menu:
Copy the config files from previous builds to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
Open the corect key file and finish the setup.
Note: seems as though you need to run network setup twice running service network restart after each time to have it work correctly.  If the start device on boot is not set, this may act differently.
Note: after a kernel update, must run commands below with latest versions in place of  these 
#yum --enablerepo=atrpms install
#yum --enablerepo=atrpms install
#yum --enablerepo=atrpms install
Yum update does not work for this dirver in the apt repo so, each of the above packages have to be removed, and reinstalled each time the kernel changes.

On Sat, 2007-05-12 at 12:51 -0400, Oliver Ruebenacker wrote:
>      Dear friends,
>   I am writing this in great distress. I have now been trying for
> weeks to get my Intel Pro Wireless 3945 working on my Dell Latitude
> 820 under Fedora. I tried Fedora Cora 6 and Fedora 7 Test 4.
>   I really need my wireless and this is becoming a personal disaster
> for me. I have spent many hours. I have written various messages to
> this forum. Some replies I got said it is simple and gave
> instructions, but the instructions did not make it work. Others said,
> they too did fail.
>   Yesterday, there was an update available regarding ieee-whatever.
> Since then, NetworkManager actually asks me for a network key, which
> is progress, but it still can not connect.
>   And while trying, I can not help but think: If NetworkManager was a
> well-written piece of software, it would give me the option of
> actually saving the network key, and reviewing it. It would give me a
> progress report and an understandable error message. And it would not
> be that the only way to access Network Manager is to click on some
> icon (when I type /usr/sbin/NetworkManager in a terminal, nothing
> visibly happens).
>   This has already caused me great damage, and I am not sure what to
> do next: Keep trying? Abandon Fedora? Abandon Linux altogether?
>   Two or three weeks ago, I was convinced that I would use Fedora for
> the next months or years, then maybe Fedora or some other popular
> Linux distro, and that free software is the future. Now I am not so
> sure any more.
>   Because what will continue to happen is that new things will keep
> coming up - hardware, protocols, java classes - and then there will be
> commercial software supporting it available immediately, while the
> free software community will struggle for months to come to terms with
> it.
>      Take care
>      Oliver
> -- 
> Oliver Ruebenacker, Post-Doc Researcher
> Theoretical Biological Physics and Soft Statistical Mechanics
> Cell Biology at UConn Health Center and Physics at Harvard

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