Which WinDoze, was WSJ: Mossberg takes the Linux bait and snarls ....

Max Pyziur pyz at brama.com
Thu Sep 13 19:51:19 UTC 2007

On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Karl Larsen wrote:

> Max Pyziur wrote:
>> Generally, I would think that if you are doing an initial review of Linux, 
>> you would start with reviewing it on a Desktop. Laptops tend to be a 
>> little idiosyncratic/non-standard from brand to brand.
>> Ironically, Windows was giving hell to a friend's Dell Insipiron (Pentium 
>> M class), to the point he went and bought a new one, giving me the old 
>> one. I, too, had the same problems as he with Windows on the Dell, and 
>> then proceeded to wipe out the OS from Redmond and install F7.
>> No problems.
>> Max Pyziur
>> pyz at brama.com
> Hi Max, was the Windows a WinXT or the new version? If WinXT I am surprised.

Whatever was installed originally - Win XP. Once the friend perked up 
about this problem several people echoed having the same problem with this 
generation of Dell's Inspirons.

> A kid from down the street now works at Redmond and the wife called Mr. Woods 
> who said "under no case try to load Vista on your own computer". If you want 
> Vista, which he does not support to friends, you should buy a new computer 
> with Vista installed.
>   And if you got F7 loaded but not Vista that says something.

Didn't try loading Vista. Went straight for to F7. Congrats to all F7 
developers, coders, users. Linux users, for that matter.


pyz at brama.com

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