Flash on 64 bit systems (was Re: Firefox 4 repo)

Ian Malone ibmalone at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 10:46:45 UTC 2010

On 19 July 2010 09:18, Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+linux at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday 19 July 2010 01:01 AM, Christofer C. Bell wrote:
>>> Would you say use of noscript or flashblock would be a good compromise?
>>> >  If not what are my other options? (maybe I should start a new thread for
>>> >  this discussion)
>>> >
>> I think FlashBlock would be a fairly good compromise. If you're using
>> FlashBlock, you can safely wander around the web knowing that no flash you
>> do not explicitly authorize will be running.  As for NoScript, I'm not sure
>> that it adds value for this specific issue, but I certainly run it anyway
>> (and not for security reasons).
> Thanks for your opinion Chris. Much appreciated. :)

For what it's worth regarding flash 64 and because I've been meaning
to post this for a while in case anyone runs into the same problem I

I used to run the 64 bit flash because I'd had difficulty setting up
nsplugin wrapper. However recently (after the 64bit alpha was
discontinued) I found that I couldn't upload pictures to facebook.
After lots of fiddling with Java I realised that Facebook had actually
changed their uploader to flash and that it was the flash uploader
that didn't work. I followed the directions at
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flash for installation on 64 bit FF11
(yes I know, will be upgrading that soon too) and Facebook is working
properly now again. Additionally all the things I used flash for
previously (mainly BBC radio, but I'm sure there's lots of other stuff
I don't even notice) still work, so nsplugin setup seems to be pretty
easy now (just a case of installing the right packages).


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