How do I change the desktop manager

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Thu Nov 11 02:02:43 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 14:35 -0700, stan wrote:
> When you log into the X Desktop, in Gnome with GDM, you can select the
> desktop that will be used.  In Gnome, they are at the bottom of the
> page, not sure in KDE.

To be clear:  That's not after you log-in, but part way through.  Done
on the GDM or KDM screen, which is neither Gnome nor KDE, yet.

     1. Pick a username
     2. Pick the session type (Gnome, KDE, various others)
     3. Enter your password

The session type choosing device doesn't appear until you pick a name to
log-in as, since that session type will only apply to that log-in.
Which, of course, will preclude using this option for anyone who's set
up a passwordless log-in (which isn't, generally, a good idea, anyway).

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -r

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