dict not working

Paul Morgan jumanjiman at gmail.com
Sat Oct 23 16:52:59 UTC 2010

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:32:19AM -0400, jack wallen wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-10-23 at 08:41 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> > On Fri, 2010-10-22 at 19:22 -0700, Silent-Hunter wrote:
> > > Dict will not do anything. I type "dict haul" or "dict love" and it 
> > > just sits there. It used to display a definition, but now it won't. I 
> > > wonder if it was something I did.
> I don't know if this is the problem, but if you issue the command:
> dict -v word (where word is the word you want to look up)

use strace to get more visibility into what's going on:
  strace -s99 dict -v word

dict is working correctly. The problem is with the servers.

> you eventually see that dict can not connect to any of the servers:
>    server localhost
>    server dict.org
>    server dict0.us.dict.org
>    server alt0.dict.org

dict.org and alt0.dict.org resolve to miranda.org,
but http://www.miranda.org/about/ says nothing about
host dictd dictionaries.

$ dig +short dict0.us.dict.org

$ dig +short -x

$ for name in dict.org alt0.dict.org; do
> dig +short $name
> done

$ dig +short -x

According to `whois` lookups, the master records
have not changed recently.

Does anybody know if these are the same IPs
that have been used previously?

It would appear that DNS has not recently changed,
but we all know the SOA serial number is a hand-edit
that is not required to reflect a date:

$ dig +short -t soa miranda.org
ns1.miranda.org. admin.miranda.org. 2009102300 10800 3600 604800 10800

$ dig +short -t soa dict.org
ns1.miranda.org. hostmaster.dict.org. 2009022601 7200 3600 1814400 10800

> i just ping'd dict.org and it is up. anyone know what could be causing
> this? 

dict0.us.dict.org fails immediately if you ping the dict port.
the others timeout if you do the same.

(/etc/services lists the ports, and strace shows the actual
transport and port being used)

$ for host in; 
> do echo ping $host for 5 seconds on TCP port 2628
> time tcping -t 5 $host 2628
> done
ping for 5 seconds on TCP port 2628 port 2628 closed.

real	0m0.034s
user	0m0.001s
sys	0m0.001s

ping for 5 seconds on TCP port 2628 port 2628 user timeout.

real	0m5.007s
user	0m0.001s
sys	0m0.000s


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