native texlive and yum

Walter Cazzola cazzola at
Wed Apr 6 16:39:00 UTC 2011

Dear Fedora Experts, 
after a little work-out and a big help from people in comp.text.te  and
others on this group I solved the issue and wrote down a rpm spec for a
fake texlive rpm that fools the yum system.

Since I think this is can help someone else I'll attach to this message 
the .spec file that you can use to recreate the fake rpm. To do this you 
need the rpmdevtools installed and do the following:

   1. rpmdev-setuptree (as a normal user)
      to create the necessary ~/rpmbuild tree
   2. rpmbuild -bb --clean texlive2010-fake.spec
      to create the rpm file
   3. yum install --nogpgcheck texlive2010-fake-1.0-1.fc13.x86_64.rpm
      to really install the rpm

>From this point on you can install all the packages you need without 
worrying about satisfying the tex dependencies.



On Mon, 24 Jan 2011, Walter Cazzola wrote:

> Dear Fedora Experts,
> bored of the several problems of the texlive 2010 distribution for
> fedora (see my previous message about the missed hyphenation and the
> 1-month old broken dependency on the latex binary) I have decides to
> remove it and reinstall it through tlmgr.
> That has been a great idea except for a couple of issues on some
> *nonrelated" packages. To remove texlive yum forced the remotion of a2ps
> and R-core (and few other but these are the most important for me) and I
> can't reinstall them without reinstalling texlive (at least in part).
> Now I've already installed texlive but not through yum and I'm wondering
> why the rpm for these packages not really related to LaTeX and in
> any case working also without LaTeX can't check for the bins instead of
> the whole package.
> Is there a way for forcing their installation without installing
> texlive?
> Thanks all for the help
> Walter

-------------- next part --------------
Name:	 texlive2010-fake	
Version: 1.0	
Release: 1%{?dist}
Summary: This is a fake TeXLive package
Group:   Applications/Publishing
License: GPLv2 and BSD and Public Domain and LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+ and LPPL	
BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)                   
Provides: config(texlive)
Provides: kpathsea
Provides: tetex tetex-dvips tetex-fonts tetex-latex tex 
Provides: tex(dvips) tex(latex) tex(tex) tex-preview texinfo-tex
Provides: texlive texlive-afm texlive-context texlive-doc texlive-doc-errata
Provides: texlive-dvips texlive-dviutils texlive-east-asian texlive-fonts
Provides: texlive-texmf texlive-latex texlive-utils texlive-xetex          
Provides: texlive-texmf-afm texlive-texmf-context texlive-texmf-doc texlive-texmf-dvips                               
Provides: texlive-texmf-errata texlive-texmf-errata-afm texlive-texmf-errata-context
Provides: texlive-texmf-errata-doc texlive-texmf-errata-dvips texlive-texmf-errata-east-asian
Provides: texlive-texmf-errata-fonts texlive-texmf-errata-latex texlive-texmf-errata-xetex                      
Provides: texlive-texmf-fonts texlive-texmf-latex texlive-texmf-xetex                             

This was necessary to have a tlmgr-based installation of texlive and all the rpm packages that requires texlive (e.g., a2ps and R-core) still installable.







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