Is Fedora good for Java developers?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Dec 14 09:06:31 UTC 2011

On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 19:20, Caffeine Lee <linux.lehoang at> wrote:
> I want to ask if Fedora is good for me a Java developer? I will be working
> with Java EE technologies and possibly developing Eclipse plugins also. I'm
> considering Fedora for working in my new company.

In my opinion Fedora (at least back in the Core days) was too cutting
edge for company use. If you will be the only user, then have a blast.
But if you will need to support other desktops, then Fedora is not a
stable choice. Each version introduces drastic changes and the
versions come (and go) very quickly. I would recommend CentOS 6.1 for
a desktop that you need to support, on which you can install the
latest Java and Eclipse.

Dotan Cohen

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