How to compile a soft same as the version realeased by fedora?

JD jd1008 at
Sat Mar 19 01:55:08 UTC 2011

On 03/18/2011 07:52 PM, GeeKer Wang wrote:
> Hi,  guys
>     I tried to compile OpenSceneGraph-2.8.3-3.fc14.rpm software, and 
> got a low efficient and large version of it. But the version from 
> fedora-repo works well.
> eg. my version with frame rate < 10, while fedora-repo version with 
> frame rate ~=40.
> I have tried three ways:
> 1. configure && make
> 2. ccmake && make
> 3. rpmbuild --recompile OpenSceneGraph-2.8.3-3.fc14.src.rpm
> They resulted the same anyway. Especially, the rpmbuld way took 3G+ 
> disk space, each .so file is much larger and each application is 
> slower. It's realy strange to me. I use the gcc/g++ 4.5.1 under fedora 14.
> So where the differences come from?Or where are the special places in 
> fedora's compiling environment? Any advice will be appreciated, thx.
> -- 
> Bob
I have also wondered about this for a long time.
What is the Fedora build environment,
(env variables, build tools, configuration options, ...etc)
so that we can produce the same binaries from source.
If we cannot produce the same binaries using same
build tools, same package configuration options, and
same environment, then some serious questions can
arise about the binaries we install from the repo.

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