difference between "ping -I INTERFACE" and "ping -I IPADDRESS" ?

Frantisek Hanzlik franta at hanzlici.cz
Sat Oct 1 01:08:18 UTC 2011

JB wrote:
> Frantisek Hanzlik <franta <at> hanzlici.cz> writes:
>> ...
> Suggestions:
> 1. use -R option to see routing (like ping plus traceroute in one)
>    Perhaps it will give you some clue about how it travels.
>    # ping -R -n -c 2 -I source_ip target_ip 
>    # ping -R -n -c 2 -I source_if target_ip
>    You may try with -B option as well, just in case.
>    # ping -B -R -n -c 2 -I source_ip target_ip
>    # ping -B -R -n -c 2 -I source_if target_ip
> 2. install an older F13 or a newer F15 client on the same network, or perhaps 
>    you would be able to remove on F14 the iputils package and replace it by 
>    e.g. F13's iputils.
>    Then run the tests again to see if it is a case of ping regression.
> 3. play with -Q tos option (man ping)
> 4. get in touch with your ISP and ask them for co-testing with you (capturing
>    your ping's on the way out and on the way back).
>    I guess 'tcpdump' or similar net tool would allow them to see both ICMPs
>    (request and echo).
>    They could test the target_ip from their net too.
> JB

Hello JB,
I vote for ending this case - "ping -I source_ip" works as I expected,
traceroute works as I expected. "ping -I source_if" for some reason
behaves differently (it seems as it tries find target at source_if
segment, according to ARP requests), but I have not time for further
discovery. Linux box works fine, and it is crucial for me.
IMO right way would be ping sources overview and eventually some its

Thanks, Franta

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