Proposal request for ideas on naming Fedora releases.

Joe Zeff joe at
Wed Aug 15 02:42:03 UTC 2012

On 08/14/2012 07:23 PM, David wrote:
> Gee Joe. You studied history in school too?  :-) No I was not.

Yes, but that's not how I knew the name.  I'm an early boomer (and my 
sister is a late war-baby) and back in the '50s, that movie was on TV 
fairly frequently, along with a large number of other old movies.

> I am the child of WWII vets. I know most of the names of the people, the
> places, and such. And, yes, I knew of The Ruptured Duck.

So am I.  Both of my parents worked for Lockheed until Dad was drafted. 
  (Limited service because he was blind in his left eye.)  In fact, he 
told me once that he worked on the prototype for one of the models of 
the P38.  Not that any of this is Fedora related, but it might explain a 
bit about where I'm coming from and why my opinions about software don't 
match some of the younger members of the list.

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