Installing MPLABX on F16 SOLVED

les hlhowell at
Sat Feb 18 21:00:57 UTC 2012

I have already gotten this to work, but this is my process in case it
will help someone else.

1.  download the latest MPLABX from microchip
2.  run the installer
3.  touch /.autorelable just to ensure SELinux picks up the files
4.  reboot
5.  login as the user
6.  got the OH no message.  
7.  reboot (as the system was basically disabled)
8.  login as admin
9.  run SEtroubleshooter
10.  follow the instructions to audit2allow and semodule
11.  touch /.autorelable just insurance
12.  reboot
13.  login as user
14.  login successful, but another selinux error on colord
15 repeat steps 3-13 to get successful login

I haven't used it yet, but will soon.  I think it is OK, as it comes up
alright at this point in time.

Les H

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