F16 USB pass-through to VirtualBox

Dave Close dave at compata.com
Thu Feb 23 15:49:43 UTC 2012

Ed Greshko wrote:

>I "think" I may know what you want....
>What you need to do is define a "USB" filter.  When the "guest" is
>started or when the device matching the filter is plugged in it will be
>automatically connected to the guest.
>Of course you need to be careful, if you have multiple guests you can't
>have the same filters.

I thought the same thing. As I read the documentation, that's exactly
what a filter is supposed to do. But I have a "blank" filter, which
claims it will connect any USB device, and that doesn't happen. My guest
doesn't see the device until I select it in the guest menu. It's that
problem which prompted my initial request for help.

In my case, I have only one guest. I'm only running VBox because the
application won't run on a recent Fedora release and the hardware won't
work with an old release. Solution, run the old release as a guest under
the new release. But the application needs to use the flash drive.
Dave Close, Compata, Irvine CA      "Genius may have its limitations,
dave at compata.com, +1 714 434 7359    but stupidity is not thus
dhclose at alumni.caltech.edu           handicapped." --Elbert Hubbard

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