Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Wed Jul 4 10:02:29 UTC 2012

Am 04.07.2012 11:56, schrieb n2xssvv.g02gfr12930:
> I have received an email confirming my unsubscription and hence asking 
> for a reminder fails. It was using these reminders that I logged on to 
> unsubscribe in the first place, but I am still receiving mailing list 
> mail, and able to post.

prove by mails including "To" and "Date" headers

after your trolling the last days and the fact that you did
not state this from the very beginning makes you untrusted

> Hopefully other advice I have taken will get this problem sorted out

did you really send a mail to "users-request at"
with the subject "unsubscribe" as statet in the mail-headers of any

> Please note I have also recommended Rheindl Harald be unsubscribed 
> for being rude and offensive, see the changed subject title above 
> for just one example

boy YOU DID forward/reply a private message to list and admins
so this was not a list-topic before you did something wrong

there are even laws which FORBIDS disclose private messages
on lists - if you can't stand the content you are free
consulting a lawyer, but you are not permitted to public
anything you are receiving private!

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