F17 cursor problem : request

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Thu Jul 5 21:49:57 UTC 2012

On 07/05/2012 02:24 PM, Beartooth wrote:
> 	Would somebody who knows how please make this available in
> Fedora, or write a pons asinorum for it? When you get seriously old,
> you'll be glad you did.

Gnome 2 had something built in that would show you where the cursor was 
when you tapped the control key.  At one time, it turned the cursor into 
a big blue ball for a moment, at another, into a large, spinning square. 
  If Gnome 3 doesn't already have this, it shouldn't be too hard for 
somebody to find the code for it and make a plugin out of it.  And, if 
they do, I'd appreciate getting it ported to Xfce, as I'd like to have 
it again.

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