Please Relax was: And don't let the door hit you on the way out

Robert Myers rbmyersusa at
Fri Jul 6 21:34:44 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Joe Zeff <joe at> wrote:
> On 07/06/2012 01:43 PM, Robert Myers wrote:
>> When you are a part of a group of people that has decided to
>> marginalize or to gang up on someone, and you are an active
>> contributor, Joe, you are in no position to talk about manners.
> I have no idea where you got the idea that I'm "ganging up on you."  The one
> time I wrote something uncomplimentary about you, I was mistaking you for
> somebody else, and when you pointed it out, I checked back and corrected
> myself.  I've been trying to stay as neutral as possible in this discussion
> because I don't want to be responsible for it turning into a flame war.

I have continued this discussion only as a matter of principle (and
there has been some actual content).  The vast majority of the world
that thinks of itself as well-mannered will happily join a lynch mob.
One of these days I will get it through my thick head that that's just
the way the world is, and that even intelligent people will never
grasp the irony inherent in their own words and behavior.  It's not
what this list is about, anyway, but it's actually far more important
than arbitrary decisions about software.  I'm sorry if I misunderstood
your intent.  When someone is standing in the middle of a mob being
peppered with advice, criticism, and suggestions, everything begins to
seem like an attack.

Robert Myers.

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