F17 cursor problem : request

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Sat Jul 7 01:54:31 UTC 2012

On Fri, 2012-07-06 at 20:33 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
> But even the control key function *and* a pair of eyes on each of 
> two panels, together, are still more distracting and less convenient
> than a good big mouse cursor, especially a colored one.

Yes, at times I've lost my mouse, and found it very hard to find again.
Made all the more worse for Fedora's propensity for sending the mouse
running off wildly in some random direction if anything lightly touched
the mouse.  Yes, it's done this since Red Hat Linux days, on several
completely different computers and mice (USB mice seem the less likely
to do it), and I'm not the only one to have brought this up.

Like you, I've found a larger pointer and coloured one helpful, not that
I've found a way to do that on Linux.  And the "show the mouse location
with an animation when I hit the control key," hasn't always been too
helpful, as the animation is tiny.  At times I'd prefer another method
of mouse pointer location - selectable full screen cross hairs that went
completely from edge to edge.  Quite apart from making it easy to find a
lost mouse pointer, it'd help an awful lot when it comes to placing
things in the right place on the page for desk top publishing and
graphics work, when you want to align one thing against something else
that it's nowhere near (objects on the page, or rulers along the edge of
the window).

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