Hardware vendors

Dave Stevens geek at uniserve.com
Sun Jul 8 19:09:39 UTC 2012

Quoting jackson byers <byersjab at gmail.com>:

> Steven Stern wrote:

when I look at the Puget site I don't see who makes the radio. I've  
had a lot of trouble with my netbook's wifi, do you know if they  
specify somewhere what kind they use?


>> Now that I'm done with Dell, I've priced out systems on
>> Ohava, zareason, and System76.


If all the advertising in the world were to shut down tomorrow, would people
still go on buying more soap, eating more apples, giving their children more
vitamins, roughage, milk, olive oil, scooters and laxatives, learning more
languages by gramophone, hearing more virtuosos by radio, re-decorating their
houses, refreshing themselves with more non-alcoholic thirst-quenchers,
cooking more new, appetizing dishes, affording themselves that little extra
touch which means so much? Or would the whole desperate whirligig slow
down, and the exhausted public relapse upon plain grub and elbow-grease?

--- Dorothy L Sayers, in Murder Must Advertise

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