NetworkManager strange stuff -

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA bobgoodwin at
Wed Jul 11 00:56:51 UTC 2012

On 10/07/12 20:36, David G. Miller types:
> You will find that *BOTH* the DHCP client and DHCP server cache previous
> addresses.  A client that has had an address will request the same address.
> Even if the client doesn't ask for the same address, the server will check its
> cache to see if a particular address was previously assigned and will re-assign
> the same address.
> Found this out the hard way when trying to get DHCPv6 working.  Still have some
> similar oddities to you that I need to clean out caches to make go away.
> Cheers,
> Dave

    Yes, I believe I was seeing that too. The problem began after I had
    temporarily run an old Apple Mac portable on the Ethernet switch, I
    gave it the address 192/168.1.10 which was the next in line but then
    it persisted in assigning that number to this computer. The
    computers in my room all run through an Ethernet gigabit switch
    connected to an access point so that I see any problems that might
    crop up with the "wifi" system I think NM sees the switch as the
    client and that's confusing things.




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