Export restrictions legalese in Fedora scare would-be local mirror

Fernando Cassia fcassia at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 15:34:47 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Andy Blanchard <zocalo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Bravo!  Have a Fedora Community Gold Star award!
> OK, I made that up, but personally getting a new mirror established in an
> area where there are not a great deal to choose from in the first place at
> least deserves some kind of honerable mention in Fedora Weekly News or some
> such, IMHO.

Chasing sysadmins to get local mirrors has been a hobby of mine for
the last decade.
I started with Sun and its former "SunSite"... who told me 11 yrs ago
that they had donated a server for that purpose to UBA.ar university
but that they ended up repurposing the server for another project. (go

Then this year I contacted scientific body CONICET (whom host CentOS
mirrors at centos.mirror.mendoza-conicet.gob.ar) but they replied they
lacked enough bandwidth. Then I approached a local FTTH ISP
(http://www.phonevision.com.ar) whom first balked at the idea due to
disk space concerns. I later told them they could mirror just f16, f17
for a fraction of the total space using ´excludes´)... they were open
to the idea and forgot to follow-up with them...

So, let´s cross fingers and wait until ArSat does something... it´d be
very great news if they do.

I admit my interest is purely egotistical, as all I want is faster
downloads and installs from a local repo. ;)

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell

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