Configuring graphics(resolution) on Dell Vostro 460 i5

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Mon Jul 30 02:37:07 UTC 2012

On 07/30/2012 09:48 AM, Oscar Vidal wrote:
> I'm new with fedora, I has been Ubuntu user during last years. Now I'm facing a problem with my workstation when I installed Fedora 17. I'm not able to configure the right resolution for the system, I'm using a Dell Vostro 460 i5. Im wondering if someone else had instaled Fedora 17 in this same computer and had solved already this problem. Any advice is welcome.

You should tell people something about your video HW.  Use lspci | grep -i vga.  As well as the output from xrandr

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