Password issues

William Brown william at
Mon Jun 11 05:48:23 UTC 2012

On 10/06/12 23:39, Andre Robatino wrote:
> William Brown <william <at>> writes:
>> If you run passwd as your own user, compared to passwd as root changing
>> your user password, you will see that running passwd as your own user
>> will result in the same result as running the password change from
>> System Settings (You recieve a passwd is too short message). The only
>> time you can avoid the "password to short" message, is when running
>> passwd as root.
> Yes, I understood that, but you're missing my point. What I described is an
> inconsistency between running *passwd* as root, vs. running the *graphical
> password tool* (NOT passwd!) as root (by which I mean with the page unlocked
> using the root password). One allows arbitrarily short passwords (except for
> zero length) and the other does not, even when *both* are being run as root.

No. The unlock in System Settings is not running as root. Additionally,
it should be asking for your own user password, not the root password.
This is equivalent to the step when running passwd as your own user,
which checks your current user password.


William Brown

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